A Reformed Family Church in the heart of Green Bay

Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

If you've been paying attention, it is not hard to see something is more than a little crazy out in the world. There is a strange inversion of what many know in their hearts to be reality and certainly moral. People are searching for the truth and what to do about it amidst this confusion.

If you are one of those people, Christ Alone Evangelical Presbyterian Church is here to bring you that never-changing truth through God's infallible word.

In it we find clarity about the hard issues that confront us because it shows us there is a transcendent truth beyond man’s; it clarifies who we are, what we are created for, and most importantly, who alone is worthy of our trust. Within its holy pages, we find the imperative of gospel service to those around us and what it means to genuinely love one another as the family of God.

So contrary to what you hear, truth is not relative... Christ is the joyous and absolute truth our souls are searching for! In Him, we find the answers we need, the forgiveness our hearts seek, and our divinely designed purpose.

Join us to find out for yourselves!

Service Hours

Worship 10am Sunday

Sunday School - All Ages 9am, except during the Summer

Streamed Services and Sermons