Our Beliefs

Our church family believes every word of the Bible comes from God, and because of this, it is final in all matters to which it speaks. It is the only source from which we can understand God’s truth, and our standard of faith and how we should live.

For us there is only one true God, who exists in three persons in the mystery of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Holy Scripture tells us that salvation is only by God’s merciful grace through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Knowing we are spiritually dead in our sin, there is no way we can save ourselves. Only God, by his sovereign, loving power brings those he has known from before time to saving faith. Nothing we do can earn this astonishing gift.

We believe Jesus is God’s eternal Son, who in his perfect obedience and willingness to give his life for our sins on the cross, makes atonement for those sins, and restores our relationship with God. Salvation and eternal life can only be found through faith in Christ.

We know the Holy Spirit is divinely sent to abide within us and bring us to saving faith in Jesus. That same Spirit opens the truth of scripture to us, helps us to pray, and cultivates our reliance on Christ. He inspires us to act and our loving response is to live by his blessed power.

It is clear to us that even after mankind’s initial and continued disobedience, God, in His steadfast love, has repeatedly made covenants to bring His chosen back into relationship with Him. These covenants were to redeem, sanctify, and preserve those whom He has adopted as His children. Christ is the perfection and completion of this process, and is the new and final covenant with our loving Creator.

We know God has not only called us into salvation through His Son, but into a life of service as exemplified by Jesus as well. We are to excitedly share the Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. God’s merciful love in Christ compels us to display His kingdom to others in how we do justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with our God. The church boldly seeks to be the hands and face of Christ to a world in need of redemption, forgiveness, and wholeness.

On Male Leadership

In a world that promotes a very different understanding of who should be chosen to lead in the church, we hold to the specifics Paul laid out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus. Traditionally, this is called Complementarianism. To find out more, click below!